Eliza keeps us laughing all day long (aside from her daily multiple tantrums of course). We are always wondering where she comes up with some things, and how she remembers such random stuff. Here are a few favorites from recent days. Ok, maybe they won't sound as cute to you or as funny, but if you heard her voice and expression, you'd probably laugh. :)
Daddy took Eliza for a drive the other day and stopped to get himself a coffee. Eliza chimes in from the back, "Daddy, you going to get Mommy a coffee tooooooo?"
On the way home from work one day I got Eliza one munchkin at Dunkin Donuts (it's her once in a while treat if I am getting an afternoon coffee!). When she was finished, she wanted more of course. I told her that there was only one in the bag, so she proceeded to cry. Then I said, "It's a special treat sometimes, because Mommy loves you!", "You love Mommy, too!" Of course she said "No!" so I pretended to fake cry for a minute until she yelled "No, it's my turn to cwy Mommy! I'm cwying this time!".
She loves singing to any pop song on the radio and if I start singing w/ her (to Rihanna's "Take a Bow" for example), she'll tell me she doesn't want me to sing,
she's the one that is going to sing. Her favorite part is "go on and take a bow...." She could truly do karaoke to that song at 2 years old.
During dinner last week I was asking Eliza what she did at daycare. Apparently I was chewing while asking because she told me to "Chew your food foowst mommy, then you can talk!"
Another day on the way home from work she kept saying "I want to see your business Mommy, pweeeeeeeese! Can I see your business?" I kept repeating her by asking "my business? Is that what you are saying Eliza, business?" and she would say yes. I had no idea what she was talking about but she was getting frustrated and kept asking over and over to look at my business. I was dying laughing, but clueless as to what she meant. Finally I turned my head and saw my school bag on the floor, and that is what she was pointing to. I asked her if that was my "business" in the bag and she said yes. Later that night Andy told me that she tried to grab my bag one day at home and Andy moved it and said it was mommy's bag for school work, just like daddy's business bag.
Hmm, I just realized that almost all of these conversations took place while in the car. I promise we are not always driving.