Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Comment Update

Auntie Maryann and Auntie Tracey are tied with 6 comments each in this summer's comment incentive program!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday's Talk Time!

1. "Why is this a fake Cinderella Mommy???" Eliza asked in front of a room full of little kids waiting in line to get their picture taken.

2. "Mom, am I allowed for Hannah Montana?" ..Ummm, NO!

3. When I commented that she had some big feet, Eliza replied, "I really do."

That's all for this week!

New Hampshire Mini Vacation!

This past weekend we went to NH with Val, Martin, and the kiddos. On Saturday we spent the day at Story Land and the kids had a blast. Well, except for the occasional melt-downs while waiting in lines, and the few minor time-outs that were given. Eliza loved the antique cars, the swan boat ride, and seeing Cinderella! Though she wasn't so impressed with Cinderella's looks (see above post). She also LOVED seeing Mother Goose, the Big Bad Wolf, and Mr. McGregor's Garden. We had great weather for Story Land. On Sunday we went to Clarke's Trading Post on the way home. Eliza was very anxious about the train ride where you saw "Wolfman". This guy IS scary, so I can see her point. From the first second that Wolfman started yelling at the train and shooting his gun, she was petrified. She was screaming and crying and would not let me unblock her ears. She continued to yell "Let me off this train!" "Let me off this train!" "Don't open my ears!!!". Every time Wolfman started to come near the train, I had to have Andy give me a heads up about which side he was on so that I would force her head in the opposite direction. The poor kid was having panic attacks. When we got off the train she said that she didn't like it because "Wolfman just kept staring at me and blowing smoke in my face."

It was a busy, fun, and exhausting weekend!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Martha's Vineyard '09

This post is so late but better late than never? We had a blast in MV again this summer, staying at the house that my dad rented. It was especially great to see family that we don't get to see too often! Eliza had a blast on the beach having "noodle fights" with Grampy and stuffing her face with snacks. She would get bored every 20 minutes or so and beg to leave the beach, but then find something to interest her for the next 20 minutes. We've learned she is extremely scared of seagulls and has no shame in screaming at the top of her lungs when one is within 100 feet of her. She also had her first mini-golf experience, as well as got to see what "Taco Night" is all about. We had a blast watching the sunset at Menemsha Beach and of course we had to take her on the carousel a few times.

The joke of the week told by Eliza? "Knock Knock!" "Who's There?" "Martha's." "Martha's who?" "Martha's Vineyard!" We can't wait to go back next summer!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday's Talk Time

I'm going to try to start listing some hilarious/sweet little quotes from Eliza on Tuesdays because she does say some of the funniest things we have ever heard, but then I forget them soon after. So if I make a mental note to jot it down and then list a few on Tuesdays, I'll have them to look back on and to share with all of you! So keep posted on future Tuesdays.....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Can you say jinxed??

Yeah, I guess I completely jinxed myself by writing about her great first night of sleep in the toddler bed. Last night (3:50am to be exact) I was awoken to a soft whispered "Hi Mom, I'm scared." right in my face. And then again at 3:59, and 4:07. As much as I wanted to pull her into the bed with us and snuggle with her to sleep, we decided to put her right back into bed, explain that we are right down the hall, tuck her in, and tell her to wait until the sun comes up to get out of bed. At 4:12 I thought I heard something again so I quietly got out of bed and looked out of the room and there she was, standing in the hall just staring at me, sucking on her binky. Got to admit, just a tad creepy! Then again at 4:20 she got out and Daddy met her in the hall and brought her back to bed where she finally fell asleep. I was awoken at 7:00 to her little face next to mine whispering "Mommy, the sun is up now!" :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

No More Crib!

Well, more like a crib converted to a toddler bed with a bed rail on it-that makes it pretty much still a crib except for the 5 inches of space where she can get in and out herself! Last night was her first night and she was very, very excited. Before she went to sleep we told her that when she woke up (at the crack of dawn as she usually does) she could get out of bed on her own and get some books and get back into her bed to read, or go to her table and color, but she shouldn't scream for us or come in and wake us up just yet. She agreed to this. :)

This morning at about 7:15 I heard some rustling around but wasn't sure if she was really awake yet and didn't want to wake her if not. I went and peeked into her room and there she was, sitting on her bed reading a book and sucking on that binky of course. Oh yeah, in the dark. I forgot about that part, that she can't turn on the light herself! Ha ha. Well, she had listened to us and it was the cutest thing to see. That didn't last longer than a minute from me catching her because then she had to get out of course. Fingers crossed that tonight and from now on it will be just as easy!?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Time For A Trip

Since it's that time of the year (Kelly Family vacay to Martha's Vineyard!), I had to look back at my chubby cheeked baby girl from two years ago on her first Vineyard trip. She was about 9 months old. Can't wait to get some new pictures from her third trip over! Watch out Martha's Vineyard, Eliza is about to step onto your island. :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Did You Know?

Did you know that at two and a half, you can transform from "baby" to "big girl" within hours, or even minutes? I've recently found this out.

At this age if you refuse to sleep without your binky, it's ok because you are still a "baby". But when that sleep is up, you better believe said "baby" can become a "big girl" faster than you can say "Map!" or "Backpack!" if there's something he or she wants. Eliza is adamant that she is still a "tiny baby" when she wants that darn binky. She lets us know that it is ok because of this fact. However, if she wants candy, wants to watch a movie, listen to hip hop, use my camera, use scissors, use the phone, not use her stroller, or not sit in a grocery cart, instantly she is a "big girl".

"I don't WANT to go in my stroller! I can walk! I am a big girl!"
"I thought you were a tiny baby Eliza? You told me that before your nap so you could have your binky."
"Well, when it's time to go to sleep, I'm still a tiny baby. But right now I am a big girl so I want to walk!"

Conversations With "Friends"

For the past couple of weeks, Eliza has started having very important conversations with her "friends". If I ask her who she is talking to, she'll tell me (and give names of her real life friends) and say that "They are right here mom!" "I'm telling them to help me build a tower!" The other day she was in her room and was telling some of her friends to follow her downstairs. Today in the car I asked her who she was talking to and she told me that she was talking to her friends that were right there in the car with her. It's hilarious. She does have real friends though, I promise! And we do a lot of socializing with children her age, so I'm hoping there isn't some deeper meaning behind this like I don't get her out enough or something! Ha ha

Sunday, July 5, 2009

How To Make Cookies?

Today Eliza was looking through an old kid's cookbook from when I was a little girl. She said to my mom, "I know how to make cookies with my mommy!" My mom asked her what you do to make cookies and Eliza replied "I just sit at the table and wait for them!" She truly could not have been more proud with her response and her obvious contribution towards cookie making.

Fourth of July Parade and Fun!

Fourth of July morning we took Eliza to the Halifax parade. It wasn't as great as the Plymouth Parade, but since the Plymouth one was canceled, we decided to stay in our town. Eliza had a blast and of course had to wave at every person/float that went by. If they did not see her or wave back, she got extremely concerned and would discuss it with us until a new person/float went back and waved to her. She was really caught up with a horse that happened to poop on the road right in front of her. She could not get over that or the woman that followed behind and proceeded to pick it up with a shovel. It must have been one of the funniest things that she has seen. After the parade we met up with Val and Martin and the kids and went to some events in the center of town. She got to ride a pony, have a blue raspberry slush puppy (she would not rip her paws off of it), and try out some hula hooping. I have to say, she's getting darn good at the hula hoop!

Happy Fourth of July!

We went to the Halifax fire works with Val and Martin and their kids, Adam and Andi. Eliza went for a later nap so that she would be somewhat less of a cranky monster come 9:00 for the big show. We got the kids all bundled up in their strollers and got ourselves equipped with blankets and snacks, snacks, and more snacks. Eliza was mesmerized by the children with all of their cool "light thingys" and so of course we had to buy her one. Both she and Adam had a blast for about 20 minutes of just running around and playing swords with their light thingys.

Then we got the kids settled on the blankets when the first firework came on. How cozy and fun - Daddy, Mommy, and Eliza on the blanket enjoying the fireworks. Ummm, nope! After the first loud bang of the fireworks, she had enough. She was hysterically crying louder and harder than I have ever heard her (which then caused poor Adam to start crying) and we had to block her ears for her. Even still, she was not having it. She was crying and screaming "Get me out of here!!" over and over. We thought that maybe she would relax once we clapped and showed her that kids all around were enjoying it. And again, nope. We had to pack up our supplies in a flash (while still trying to hold her ears) and get ourselves out of there. While making the mad dash for the exit we only stepped on a few blankets and felt the need to apologize for our hysterical child. Ahhhh, Happy Fourth! Oh, and once she was "safe" in the car away from seeing or hearing the loud fireworks, Eliza said, "I don't want to ever go to the fireworks again until I am bigger! I wish we went to the Red Sox game instead!". Not sure why she thought that was ever an option for that night. :)

Bed Head

I have to really smile when I go in to get Eliza from her long and restful nap and she is lounging there with her hair in little sweaty curls. Though she is pushing three, the hair is still minimal. But when it is humid or she is hot, the little ringlets really stand out.