Yesterday our family met for an early dinner at a restaurant in Quincy to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was also Grampy's birthday! Yes, we are all wearing red. Do we sort of look like a Chinese gang in all red? Regardless of what I think, it is a tradition to all wear red, so it is what it is! Andy had to wear the same red sweater that he has worn to the past 4 Chinese New Year's dinners. Apparently every time I realize Chinese New Year dinner is coming up, I head to the stores and anything red and long sleeved is long gone as they put the spring clothes out. Oh, but I did manage to find Eliza a little red button down from Baby Gap for 97 cents. What a steal. Ok, here are a few pictures from the dinner.
Eliza with great-Nanny!

Eliza with her new chalk mat.

Mona, Tracey, and I - I look like I am trying to escape but I was helping with the camera.

Resting on Papa after a long dinner.

Eliza and "uncle" Chris.
LOL at Chinese gang! You guys are all too good-looking to be very threatening..what a pretty family! I might have to jump on the bandwagon and get one of those chalk mats for Keira--she's been a pill at restaurants lately. Happy New Year!
awww, uncle chris just loves little eliza! he has a picture of her and i on his phone screen saver now : )
Happy New Year (belated)!
You look fab, as always.
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