Today was a snow day for Mommy! I asked Eliza if she wanted to play with PlayDoh today because I know she has done it at daycare. She did this new funny head shake for yes and said "Yep, pay doo!". We decided to break out some PlayDoh for a little inside fun. She loves playing with it, but her maximum time for PlayDoh is about 20 minutes. So here are a few pictures of her messing around with it.
We took Eliza out for a little bit today since we had some more snow. We wanted to see if she would be any happier this time around! She liked it just a little bit better. I wouldn't say she was having a blast, but she was more open to the idea of snow and snowflakes on her face. :)
Today I had the day off since it is Martin Luther King, Jr. day. Eliza and I were going to go to the library with Jen and Audrey, but it was way too cold out. So we just played inside all day. Here are a few pictures of Eliza playing around with her puppy. Nothing special, but I haven't posted any new pictures on the blog in awhile so enjoy.