Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh Man, Nothin'!

Just a funny short clip of Eliza w/ empty eggs. Tonight she was playing around w/ them and she opened one and said, "Oh man!". I said, "What, nothing is in there?" and she then went nuts opening egg after egg saying this, so I had to get a bit on video.

Oh Man, Nothin'!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Today was a fun and busy day! Eliza had a blast this morning finding eggs around our house with goldfish and bunny grahams inside, as well as getting a basket full of stuff. Then we headed to Grampy and Grammy's for a fantastic lunch. She had a little hunt there and also scored some great Easter gifts. Then our last stop was to great Auntie Pat's house for dessert and yet more Easter gifts. She was extremely hyper all day, and I found out she really enjoys Peeps. Mommy let her try an ear. Ha ha!

Checking out her basket
Hi Auntie Tracey!

Little Egg Hunt

We took Eliza to FlowerLand yesterday for a mini egg hunt and bunny visit. She had fun, bad cough and all. Here are a few pictures!

Bunny Hugs

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank you for the puzzle Faith!

Eliza got a new puzzles from her friend Faith (Thank you Annemarie!). She loves it!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Eliza is voting for Obama

Eliza digs Obama.
Sorry Grampy, I'll try to get her to say "McCain"!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2 cute conversations today with Eliza

Today after work I had two funny "conversations" (if you can call it that) with Eliza.

The first one was about her ripping a page off of her Santa book. I said, "Oh, that's not nice Eliza, now Santa is sad!". She said (with a sad look on her face) "Sorry Santa! Santa cwying?". I said, "Yes, Santa is crying because you ripped him, so let's put him back together". I think I really made her upset because for 10 minutes after the book was put away she just kept saying "Santa sad, Santa cwying, Sorry Santa" over and over and over.

The other conversation was me sort of "bribing" her into getting her pajamas on. She was giving me a hard time and so I said "Eliza, if we can get your pj's on then we can go downstairs and have some milk and maybe watch Rachael Ray!". She immediately got excited and said "Ok Mommy! Yep Mommy, Rajaray Mommy! Jammas, Rajaray Mommy". Of course we had to watch a few minutes of Rachael while she had her milk. She is way too into that cooking show.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Eliza and cousin David

We visited with Eliza's cousin David this past weekend. They had lots of fun together. Here are some pictures!

Shoot it!

Eliza got a new basketball hoop from her uncle T.J. and she loves this thing! For now it is in our living room, but when we finally get some decent weather it will go outside or in a finished basement if we ever get that done. Eliza runs around yelling "shoot it!" and has so much fun. I think Daddy loves it more than her, he seriously shows off trying to act like he's back in high school and the captain of the basketball team or something.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Eliza loves asking people, animals, and things what they are "do-in". She'll say "hi doggy! Do-in?"", or "Hi Mommy! Do-in?". It cracks us up. Although, it's not so fun at 5 am when she wakes up before it is light out and is yelling those things from her crib.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chinese New Year

Yesterday our family met for an early dinner at a restaurant in Quincy to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was also Grampy's birthday! Yes, we are all wearing red. Do we sort of look like a Chinese gang in all red? Regardless of what I think, it is a tradition to all wear red, so it is what it is! Andy had to wear the same red sweater that he has worn to the past 4 Chinese New Year's dinners. Apparently every time I realize Chinese New Year dinner is coming up, I head to the stores and anything red and long sleeved is long gone as they put the spring clothes out. Oh, but I did manage to find Eliza a little red button down from Baby Gap for 97 cents. What a steal. Ok, here are a few pictures from the dinner.
Eliza with great-Nanny!
Eliza with her new chalk mat.
Mona, Tracey, and I - I look like I am trying to escape but I was helping with the camera.
Resting on Papa after a long dinner.
Eliza and "uncle" Chris.