Monday, June 30, 2008


And just because it's the cool thing to do, here is my picture of Eliza chowing down on a piece of corn on the cob.

Petting Zoo

We went to the petting zoo today with Jen and Audrey. They loved seeing Mary the cow and Rosie the pig, although the animals were pretty laid back today so it wasn't as exciting. A chicken with a weird beak kept following Eliza around and scaring her.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Beach

Today we went to the beach with Michelle, Jen, and Audrey. It was very cloudy but the girls had a blast piling up mud and running into the water. Both of them were total sand creatures when it was time to leave because the wind was blowing so hard. Here are some pictures.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Edaville Railroad

We took Eliza to go on the Thomas the Train ride at Edaville Railroad yesterday. We met up with Lisa and Chris and their daughter Rose. Eliza had a blast! The train ride itself wasn't anything spectacular (although she did love it), but she was freaking out over the rides. She had a melt down after every ride because she wanted to stay on. It was a long day but she had so much fun. And it was her first time being on a ride by herself, so it was cute to see.

Edaville Railroad

More Edaville pictures

Pool Time at Grampy and Grammy's!

On Saturday we went to Weymouth to spend the afternoon with Grampy, Grammy, Auntie Brenda, and Uncle T.J. Eliza has not been in the pool since she was about 9 months old last summer. At first she wanted no part of it, but then warmed up to the idea (only if Daddy would hold her) after a little while.

I don't think I like this!

Playdate with Cameron

We went to Cam's house the other day for a play date. What a little gentleman Cam was to give Eliza the dandelion! We had fun, thank you!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Spinning her ABC's

Here's Eliza right before bed, hyper, spinning and singing.
Spinning the ABC's

Sunday, June 8, 2008

At The Beach

Today was about 95 degrees so we took Eliza to the beach for about an hour and a half this morning. She loved it. We left just as it was getting crowded. She has no fear though, she would have taken off straight into the ocean by herself if we let her. We've got to watch this one like a hawk.

So thirsty!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Play Date with Rose

On Sunday we visited with Rosie. They are about 3 weeks apart. They are too cute together. The girls played outside and then we went to the park. Oh, and Rosie is on fire behind the wheel of a Barbie jeep! :)

Shorts Season

Nothing exciting to post, but here are some pictures of Eliza checking out buggies and birds in her new shorts today.