Thursday, August 27, 2009

Eliza's Recent Favorites

I haven't posted in such a long time! I have been such a slacker - this is all due to the approaching first day of school, unfortunately! Anyway, I figured that I would post a few of Eliza's favorite things as of the past few weeks.

1. Her "wed" (red) binky ( sick of this binky) - This has been up there as an all time fave for close to 3 years now.
2. The Fresh Beat Band - (you have to be so un-hip if you don't know these guys), and when they come on she gets right on the floor and tries her hardest to follow their choreography, but then ends up doing head stands against the wall when she realizes she can't follow it.
3. "Party in the USA"- You know, by Miley Cyrus? Her auntie made the mistake of letting her hear that song and now whenever we are in the car she demands that I find the song so she can rock out. And of course, I can NEVER find it. She bumped that Taylor Swift song down a notch, since that used to be her favorite.
4. Green jello
5. Seeing horsie poop- Most recently, at the "Martian Field Fair" as she calls it.Anytime she can find horsie poop she goes completely nutso. You would have thought she found gold the way she laughs about this. It's pretty funny.
6. Munchkins - Oh wait, this is not recent...just like that binky. She's always loved them. I guess it seems that lately she's consumed more than the average person. Time to cut back.
7. Cotton candy - She found out about this healthy treat from Daddy's charity carnival.

Are we seeing a pattern here? Horrible food and horrible music. (Buuuut..who am I kidding - I can't help but sing along to the Fresh Beat's catchy songs AND the Miley song.) I promise.. she does play outside and eats vegetables. Not at the same time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday's Talk Time!

Written a day late of course!

Yesterday I was in my room and heard a bag rustling around in the hallway. Then, short moments later, this is what is heard:

"MOMMY!!!!!!! Wook at all this stuff you got me! Wook at all this paintin' stuff you got me and I am just SO SO SO SO happy that you got me all of this stuff! You got me new paintin' stuff and a puzzle and wook at it all!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (she literally screamed), I am so happy about this stuff you gave me! I can paint and use my new paintbrush and AHHHHHHHH!!! I love it all! Wook at it!!"

Eliza had found a bag of "rainy day" cheapy little activities that I had gotten for her from Michael's that I had forgotten to hide. Who knew mini crafts from their dollar bin could cause so much excitement.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blueberry Picking!

Yesterday we went blueberry picking with Jen and the kids. Eliza started off ready to pick and was so excited. But....she grew tired of picking blueberries for her container after about 5 or 6 were in there and opted to just pick and eat, pick and eat. I had to take over after several attempts at getting her to find the ripe ones. Eliza did MUCH better last summer when she did not get bored so quickly. Audrey did a great job though! We ended up only filling two pints as I had to battle with Eliza over running out in the dirt road. Plus, it was so hot and we were sweating!

Oh, and at this farm the blueberry picking was an honor system! You put your money in the cash box and take out your change, and take your pints. Love it!