Sunday, October 21, 2007

She's one

Well I have not updated this blog in months since I started back to work. I stink. I really want to get better at this. Anyway, Eliza is now one. The past year flew by. She celebrated her birthday at her grampy and grammy's house on 9/29 and it was a great day. Her theme was a "barnyard bash". She was great the whole day and loved trying cake for the first time. She got lots of nice gifts and I am still working on those thank you cards... :)

Now that Eliza is one, things are so much more different. She is drinking whole milk, trying to walk, and saying some words. Some of her regular words are- apple, ball, doggie, baby, Wow, mama, dada, no way, and cow. She recently started saying wagon since we got her a new wagon for her birthday and also, paper. She will repeat just about every word we say, but then some of them we never hear again! She isn't walking on her own yet, but will take 2-3 steps at a time before falling.

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