Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bum Stuck

I heard Eliza crying hysterically today like this. She was stuck in her Bee Bop Band and couldn't get out. Of course I had to take pictures! When I got her out she said "dwum stick, dwum stick". Apparently she was trying to get the drumsticks but somehow went in bum first!


Stephanie said...

Wow, I'm so behind! I need to check your blog more often.

Love allll the new, gorgeous pics of Eliza. She's such a doll and getting so grown up, I just can't believe it.

Elizabeth said...

OMG, so funny! Poor Eliza.

She and Jackson would get into trouble together - he's always getting stuck somewhere.

Crystal said...

That's hilarious! I'm glad I'm not the only one who occasionally takes a moment to capture her suffering on camera for posterity before coming to her rescue. ;)