Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's Been Awhile!

It's been awhile since I have even posted on here! Does anyone read it? Ha! Eliza will be a big sister in April (or March...the baby is due April 2nd). She will have a baby brother. She couldn't be more excited, it is adorable to hear the things she says about her "baby". The other day she told me that she thinks "My baby will come out born with a blue shirt. Or maybe a green shirt." She also gets right down to my belly and says things like "My baby is so cute! He looks JUST like a baby dragon!" Eliza drew this picture of me in school, apparently I have purple hair and am looking like I am carrying triplets!


Sue said...

I read it!! Welcome back!

Let's just hope Eliza is just as excited when the baby comes and wants to take her toys!

Anonymous said...


marie said...

Ok, so I have to admit that I am the worst aunt/sister/sister-in-law for not visiting this more often! I laugh so hard at the things the Eliza says and does, and can not wait to hear about all the firsts with her new baby brother around :)