Sunday, July 19, 2009

Can you say jinxed??

Yeah, I guess I completely jinxed myself by writing about her great first night of sleep in the toddler bed. Last night (3:50am to be exact) I was awoken to a soft whispered "Hi Mom, I'm scared." right in my face. And then again at 3:59, and 4:07. As much as I wanted to pull her into the bed with us and snuggle with her to sleep, we decided to put her right back into bed, explain that we are right down the hall, tuck her in, and tell her to wait until the sun comes up to get out of bed. At 4:12 I thought I heard something again so I quietly got out of bed and looked out of the room and there she was, standing in the hall just staring at me, sucking on her binky. Got to admit, just a tad creepy! Then again at 4:20 she got out and Daddy met her in the hall and brought her back to bed where she finally fell asleep. I was awoken at 7:00 to her little face next to mine whispering "Mommy, the sun is up now!" :)


TK said...

awww! so cute! hopefully she'll get used to the bed soon and sleep through the night! are you getting her a regular bed or will she sleep in the crib/bed for a while?

Sue said...

oh no! I was hoping you'd have an easier time than we did! Dr. Ferber keeps telling us that we need to put a gate on Cam's door so that he can't get out but we've yet to do it. You could try that and turn her whole room into a "crib." Good luck!

Mrs. Morgan said...

Well last night was ten times better, I am actually very proud of her. She slept fine except at 2am she came in saying she had to use the potty. And she was dry, and she went. Then she slept until 6:40, came in and asked if the sun was up yet and that she had to go to the bathroom. And was dry! Yippee!!!

Auntie Maryann said...

we should just get her some puzzles to do in bed, then she will never get out!!

TK said...

that's a good idea maryann! she is being so good with the potty too, what a good girl!