Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday's Talk Time!

1. "Why is this a fake Cinderella Mommy???" Eliza asked in front of a room full of little kids waiting in line to get their picture taken.

2. "Mom, am I allowed for Hannah Montana?" ..Ummm, NO!

3. When I commented that she had some big feet, Eliza replied, "I really do."

That's all for this week!


Sue said...

:o) Cam asks for Phinneas and Ferb. I feel the same, Ummmm NO!!!

TK said...

what do you mean she asked for hannah montana? to watch the show? how does she know about it?

Auntie Maryann said...

I think her saying "I really do" was one of the funniest thing Ive heard her say in a while!

Mrs. Morgan said...

She knows about Hannah Montana because of her daycare friends that have the dolls or something. Plus, she has seen previews while watching Disney. She catches on quickly. Sue, she also reminds me that she is not "allowed for" Phinneas and Ferb, she will shut it off if it comes on. Ha ha!

Brenda said...

haha! I can just picture her saying that! She's such a little character.